Berlin Trip 2024!
Dear HHP students and members,
From the 25th to the 28th of October 2024, a group of students from the History- and Art History HHP programmes went on the annual trip to Berlin. As usual, the trip had a central theme: memory, time and heritage. Big themes, but ones that match perfectly with a place like Berlin, in which these three things play a large role in the identity of the city and its people.
What’s even better is that this year we can all experience a little of what the trip was like, as HHP students Suzanne and Nina have turned the trip into a vlog for us to watch! In the vlog, they take us with them to all the museums and plazas they visited, and even the hostel they stayed in.
But less talking and more watching! You can do so by following the following link:
A big thank you to Suzanne and Nina for making the vlog!