Meet the team!
Dear HHP students,
The new academic year is underway, bringing with it another chance for adventure and discovery in your Honours journey! This year could see you embarking on trips, attending symposia, or exploring museums, as well as organising your very own portfolio activities. If you’re new to the programme, the idea of planning something might feel overwhelming—but don’t worry, we’re here to help!
On the blog, you’ll come across great examples of portfolio activities created by current and past Humanities Honours students. There are plenty of posts about museum visits, exhibitions, and symposia, so take your time browsing and get inspired by the undertakings of your predecessors!
Meanwhile, we’d like to introduce ourselves to any students who haven’t met us yet. We are this year’s student assistants for the Humanities Honours Programme. Our role involves maintaining this blog and coordinating the meetings you’ll be attending throughout the year. Here’s a little more about us:
Hey everyone, I am Im. This is my fourth year as a Liberal Arts & Science student and my second year as a student assistant of the HHP. Some things about me: my major is in Cognitive Psychology and I wrote my thesis on the neuroscience of representing the mental states of artificial intelligence systems during free-form conversations. This means that I have a lot of experience with ChatGPT 😉 In my downtime I do a lot of painting, hiking and I play video games with my friends. Something that I focus on academically is the intersectionality of disability, specifically autism, and the neuroscience of human communication. I have a good amount of experience with the HHP so if you have questions regarding the programme or are facing any troubles, feel free to contact us!

Hey! My name is Nils, and I’m a third-year History student (track International Relations and a Minor in Italian Language and Culture) and a second-year Honours student here at the UU! Apart from studying history (obviously), I spend most of my time either reading (you can talk to me about anything ASOIAF related!), watching movies, gaming, travelling, or making use of my museum jaarkaart. I am also active as a member of Aanzet, the historical magazine of the UHSK, which, if you haven’t already, I heartily recommend reading sometime ;). This is my first year as a student assistant for the HHP, and I’m excited to see what it will bring! If you see me walking around don’t hestitate to strike up a conversation, and you can always reach us at Good luck all and see you soon!
We will see you on the 22nd of October at the plenary session on the first part of Terrain Exploration. Feel free to approach us there if you have any questions or if you just want to chat! We hope that you all enjoy this academic year!
Im & Nils