
Transfacultary symposium: ‘Nobody’s Land’ on (extraterrestrial) environmental ethics and colonialism
Limited spots available! Registration form: March 23 2023, 19:30-21:00 The doors open at 19:15 Utrecht, Janskerkhof 2-3 0.21 Throughout history, colonists have looked upon lands inhabited by native peoples and declared it their own. Now, scholars are using new lenses to uncover previously suppressed histories of environmental damage during colonial times. As we find ourselves…
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Symposium “Underexposed Perspectives on Climate Change”
Climate change is happening right here and right now. You can look at climate change through a lot of different lenses. Common ones are the economic perspective and the environment perspective, but there are also perspectives that don’t get a lot of attention. The underexposed perspectives. On the 6th of March, Tom Middendorp, Raki Ap…
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Ukraine Symposium
Dear HHP students, the special symposium on the Russia-Ukraine war will be held on the 2nd of May from 19:30 to 21:30 (walk-in starts at 19:15). The location is Drift 25 room 0.02. In this symposium, teachers from different disciplines with expertise on topics such as Russian history and politics, human rights, Dutch foreign policy,…
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