Archief per maand: oktober 2024

Become a member of the new Eureka board!
Dear HHP members, SV Eureka is looking for new board members! If you are looking for more ways to make your life “honours worthy” and learn a plethora of skills to prepare you for the job market, then this is it! Being board of a study association is a great opportunity for those of you…
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Pursuing a PhD: What do you need to consider?
Dear students of the Humanities Honours Programme, From your current position, the possibility of doing a Phd after an MA or RMA programme may seem quite far away. However, as a HHP student you have a higher chance of following such a trajectory in a couple of years time. If doing a PhD is something…
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An Unforgettable Internship at Museum de Lakenhal, continued
Little more than a month ago Titia Janssen, an Art History Honours student, told us all about her internship at Museum de Lakenhal and the exciting project she got to work on for her Masters thesis there: redesigning the Bakker Korff Room. An especially interesting task she got was getting to redesign the way in…
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Meet the team!
Dear HHP students, The new academic year is underway, bringing with it another chance for adventure and discovery in your Honours journey! This year could see you embarking on trips, attending symposia, or exploring museums, as well as organising your very own portfolio activities. If you’re new to the programme, the idea of planning something…
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