
Looking Back: An Unforgettable Internship at Museum de Lakenhal
By Titia Janssen – Honours student Art History Have you ever wondered what it would be like to intern at a museum? Let me take you through my experience over the past three months at Museum de Lakenhal. As a student of art history, this internship offered a unique opportunity to closely experience the life…
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De politieke geschiedenis van Thessalië – Thomas Overduin
Thomas Overduin heeft zijn Honoursscriptie Geschiedenis geschreven over de politieke geschiedenis van Thessalië. Graag vertelt hij hier meer over in een tijdlijn: Deze tijdlijn biedt een overzicht van de belangrijkste gebeurtenissen en significante figuren die Thessalië vormden tijdens de vierde eeuw voor Christus – van de Peloponnesische Oorlog tot de opkomst van Macedonië. Elke sectie…
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How to make your thesis Honours-worthy? Visit Bruges!
A few weeks ago, Bo Davids went to visit the archives in Bruges to glean more information and materials for their Honours Thesis. Her thesis concerns the multifaceted relationship between the Belgian city of Bruges and the Burgundian Valois duke Charles the Bold (r. 1419-1467). She explores the diplomatic and symbolic relationship between these actors…
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Interview with Natalia Petrovskaia!
Dr. Natalia Petrovskaia has been working at Utrecht University for several years and has been HHP domain coordinator of History and Art History since 2022. Here, she is constantly developing the programme, the students and herself. Natalia is a true medievalist and is working on several projects to further immerse herself in that era. Her…
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HHP Final Closing Evening Committee!
Dear all, The final plenary meeting for all thesis writers will take place on the 18th of June from 17:00-19:30 in the Lutherse Kerk! Here everyone will present their thesis in the form of a poster presentation. The poster session will consist of two rounds so that everyone will have time to walk around the location…
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Biodiversity workshop and visit of Matthias Glaubrecht
Dear Honours students, In less than two weeks, the biodiversity workshop with a lecture by Matthias Glaubrecht will take place! We cordially invite all of you to join. The biodiversity workshop will take place from 10:15AM at Drift 21, room 032 and the day will end with a lecture by Matthias Glaubrecht on The End of…
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Deel je leven in op basis van je cyclus en verbeter je mentale gezondheid!
Door: Julia Baas, student Liberal Arts and Sciences Bij een menstruatiecyclus denk je misschien aan ongesteldheid en de eisprong, maar ben je je ervan bewust dat deze cyclus je emotionele huishouden elke dag beïnvloedt? Omdat de focus vaak ligt op de emoties rondom ongesteld worden, worden de andere emoties vaak over het hoofd gezien. Dit…
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Reflecting back on the final symposium
Dear students, As we are nearing the end of summer, and as the second-year HHP students have graduated and the first years will embark on their last Honors year, we reflect back on a marvellous year with many highlights. All the many activities and excursions, all the portfolios and especially all the fantastic thesis everyone…
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Humanities Honours Introduction and Plenary Meeting
Dear HHP students and instructors, A dog walks into an inn and says ‘I can’t see a thing. I’ll open this one.’ This seems to be the oldest recorded bar joke in history, from a 6000-year-old Sumerian clay tablet. As jokes can be a mystifying part of social interaction, the theme of the first plenary…
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De Honoursthesis – een reis vol valkuilen
Heb jij ook al last van scriptiestress? Lig je al nachtenlang wakker over welk onderwerp je nou moet kiezen? En hoe ga je om met het stuk ‘Honours’ van de Honoursscriptie? Ook ik (Lotte Nieboer, schrijft aankomend jaar scriptie) zat met deze vragen. Daarom hebben Robert Snitselaar (net scriptie geschreven) en ik de handen ineengeslagen,…
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