Humanities Honours Blog

Portfolio Activiteit

A Night with the Carmelites

In the early morning of Sunday the 8th of December, I boarded the train to Paris to see the opera Dialogues des Carmélites that played at the Thêatre des Champs-Elysées at 5 o’clock that afternoon. At this moment, I am writing my Honours thesis on this opera by Francis Poulenc (1899 – 1963), because I…

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An Unforgettable Internship at Museum de Lakenhal, continued

Little more than a month ago Titia Janssen, an Art History Honours student, told us all about her internship at Museum de Lakenhal and the exciting project she got to work on for her Masters thesis there: redesigning the Bakker Korff Room. An especially interesting task she got was getting to redesign the way in…

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Looking Back: An Unforgettable Internship at Museum de Lakenhal

By Titia Janssen – Honours student Art History Have you ever wondered what it would be like to intern at a museum? Let me take you through my experience over the past three months at Museum de Lakenhal. As a student of art history, this internship offered a unique opportunity to closely experience the life…

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Biodiversity Workshop – January 26th, 2024

Throwback to January, 26: The Biodiversity Workshop by the Humanities Honours ‘ The End of Evolution”? Biodiversity in the Historical Perspective of the “Anthropocene” course members.

Featuring two discussion panels by five biodiversity experts from our own Utrecht University and beyond, as well as the lecture by Matthias Glaubrecht, the workshop united Honours students, professors and researchers from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds. To get more insight on the details of the day, read up on the article about it in the Honours Community blog

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Screening Mini-Docu Energietransitie in Historisch Perspectief

Beste studenten van het HHP, Een aantal studenten hebben voor een vak van honours een mini documentaire gemaakt over energietransitie in historisch perspectief. Het zou heel leuk zijn als jij deze komt bekijken op 8 februari van 19:00 tot 20:00 in het filmtheater in de slachtstraat. Achteraf worden drankjes geserveerd. Het aantal plekken voor de…

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