Humans of Honours

Meet the team!
Dear HHP students, The new academic year is underway, bringing with it another chance for adventure and discovery in your Honours journey! This year could see you embarking on trips, attending symposia, or exploring museums, as well as organising your very own portfolio activities. If you’re new to the programme, the idea of planning something…
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Ontmoet de nieuwe directeur van het HHP
Sinds 1 september is universitair docent Politieke geschiedenis Frans Willem Lantink directeur van het Humanities Honours Programme. Hij volgt onze vorige directeur, Koen Ottenheym, op. “Het Honours-onderwijs heeft mijn hart”, zegt Frans Willem. “Al zeven jaar was ik actief in het HHP als domeincoördinator voor Geschiedenis en Kunstgeschiedenis en heb ik op verzoek van de vorige vicedecaan Peter Schrijver…
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New year, new faces
Dear HHP students, The new academic year is just getting started. This year will be another opportunity for adventure and exploration for your Honours careers! Maybe you will go on trips, attend symposia, or visit museums. On top of that, you will certainly be organising portfolio activities. If you are new to the programme it…
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Humans of Honours – Lily Victoria
Lily is a 20 year old Swiss/Swedish student of media and culture and a first year student at the HHP. What do you study? I study media and culture. Well, I’ve always had very broad interests, so I’ve always been interested in a variety of different fields and I could never really figure out how…
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Humans of Honours – Robert Snitselaar
In de rubriek Humans of Honours worden studenten geïnterviewd over het HHP, over hoe ze in het leven staan en hun activiteiten naast de studie.
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