Archief per maand: oktober 2023

Plenary meeting 24 October: a great success!
Dear students, Yesterday was the first plenary meeting of the first-year honours students, where they all gathered at Janskerkhof to reflect on the things they had learned –or already forgotten- the last month(s). Five people represented their different seminar groups by showing what they had done and learned, and they had some bargaining power to…
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Kick-off Honours Year event
Dear students, The Kick-off Honours Year event is fast approaching, and you’re invited! In this email you’ll find a more detailed programme of what to expect during the evening, as well as the registration link. During this festive evening you’ll get to meet honours students and staff from all of the UU’s honours programmes, with…
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Ontmoet de nieuwe directeur van het HHP
Sinds 1 september is universitair docent Politieke geschiedenis Frans Willem Lantink directeur van het Humanities Honours Programme. Hij volgt onze vorige directeur, Koen Ottenheym, op. “Het Honours-onderwijs heeft mijn hart”, zegt Frans Willem. “Al zeven jaar was ik actief in het HHP als domeincoördinator voor Geschiedenis en Kunstgeschiedenis en heb ik op verzoek van de vorige vicedecaan Peter Schrijver…
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