Humanities Honours Blog


Visit Huis Doorn With Honours!

Honours goes to the exotic Doorn! We (Tomas, Robert, Lotte) are organizing an visit to Huis Doorn, home to the last German emperor, on October 21, with a talk by Frans Willem Lantink! The visit to this historical heritage will take place between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., where you can enjoy no less than…

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On Studying During Corona and the Historical Parallels between Ukraine & Iraq and Roe v Wade & 19th Century France

About Myself My name is Hille Verhorst, I’m a third-year Bachelor’s student at Utrecht University, currently rounding off my degree. I joined the Humanities Honours Program after my first year, excited to participate in what promised to be, and ultimately was, a valuable addition to my Bachelor’s. As a History student, the program allowed me…

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Come help with the HHP introduction camp!

New flesh is coming to join the cult that is the HHP. To give them a warm welcome (especially after starting their study in Corona times), we would like to introduce them to honours and Eureka via an introduction camp. But we can’t organize this camp without your help! We are looking for volunteers to…

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Interview with Michiel Erkelens from Books 4 Life Utrecht

Written by: Svetozara Bozhilova Books 4 Life Utrecht is a volunteer organization that promotes human rights by collecting and selling secondhand books, CDs, LPs and DVDs in Utrecht. The organization donates 90% of their proceeds to charitable projects and depends entirely on volunteers motivated to create change. Michiel Erkelens was interviewed to give insight to…

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Interview met Kim Schuiten van Amnesty International – Op een laagdrempelige manier leren over mensenrechten

Interview door: Britt Kramer en Rosa Boer Blogpost door: Naomi Livius en Eva Luberti   Amnesty International is een mensenrechtenorganisatie die de rechten van de mens nastreeft zoals die zijn vastgelegd in de Universele Verklaring van de Rechten van de Mens en zoals deze zijn ondertekend door de leden van de Verenigde Naties. Voor dit…

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Interview met Anne Jaegers over het maken van de podcast ‘loop ik nou over dode mensen?’, een voorproefje van bekend zijn en meer

In de driedelige podcast ‘Loop ik nou over dode mensen?’ nemen Gijs IJpelaar, Eva Luberti, Anne Jaegers en Tristan Hofkes je mee in de wereld van de middeleeuwse grafmonumenten. Want dat wat in de kerkvloer in eerste instantie lijkt op een overmaatse stoeptegel, blijkt een grafmonument te zijn. En een epitaaf aan de muur hangt…

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Ongehoord: new issue on Identity

Time has really flown by these past couple of months, and it is already time for our second Ongehoord issue of the year 2021-2022! It is wonderfully decorated with beautiful illustrations by our very own Lauren van der Spuy, and a lovely cover designed by another one of our own, Sabrina Botasheva. Our editorial board…

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