Humanities Honours Blog


Honours Teacher of the Year Award

Dear students, During the Honours Community Day on May 10th, we will once again award the most inspiring honours teacher with the honours Teacher of the Year award! With this award we want to appreciate and stimulate the great work honours teachers are doing within our university. And the best part is: The candidates for the…

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NWIB Honours Summer School (informatiebijeenkomst)

Dear student, Do you love to travel? Are you a motivated and curious student? Well, then the NWIB Summer School is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. The NWIB Summer School Facilitated by UU Honours College, this summer you can conduct engaging interdisciplinary research in Athens, Rome, or Florence. Exploring questions of cultural heritage, art…

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Honours Jaarboek Enquête

Dit bericht is alleen bedoeld voor de Humanities Honours Studenten die hun programma zijn begonnen in het academische jaar 2021-2022. Ben je eerder of later gestart met het HHP? Dan vragen we je vriendelijk om deze mail te negeren.   Beste Humanities Honours Studenten die hun programma zijn begonnen in het academische jaar 2021-2022,  …

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Berlin Trip

11 November is the day… that the history honours group left for Berlin! After a meetup at Utrecht Centraal in the early morning, we traveled to the Hauptbahnhof Meininger Hotel. There we dropped all the luggage before walking towards East Side Gallery. This walk, which lasted for about an hour and a half, allowed us…

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Tessel Janse On Collaboration

During the first plenary meeting of this academic year, Tessel Janse gave an inspiring talk about collaboration, which was also the theme of this introductory meeting. Discussing what collaboration means, not just for her, but also what it can and and should mean for (us) students, our universities and academia as a whole. You can…

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Study Problems? Get Free Coaching at the Online Coaching Centre (OCC)

Why coaching? Everybody can be confronted with doubts, insecurities, lack of motivation, stress, etc. You don’t have to face these challenges alone. The trained coaches of the Online Coaching Centre are ready to talk to you and look for other ways to deal with things. They support you in your personal development and contribute to…

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Onderzoeksstage en conferentiepresentatie over de meertalige William Caxton en zijn The History of Reynard the Fox (1481)

Een korte schets van alle activiteiten tijdens een onderzoeksstage, geschreven door Emma Buijl, vierdejaars student English Language and Culture.   Zoals veel van jullie wel zullen herkennen, liep dit academisch jaar anders dan gepland voor mij doordat corona veel flexibiliteit vroeg. Zo werd mijn uitwisseling naar Edinburgh helaas geannuleerd, maar kwam in plaats hiervan een…

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On Studying During Corona and the Historical Parallels between Ukraine & Iraq and Roe v Wade & 19th Century France

About Myself My name is Hille Verhorst, I’m a third-year Bachelor’s student at Utrecht University, currently rounding off my degree. I joined the Humanities Honours Program after my first year, excited to participate in what promised to be, and ultimately was, a valuable addition to my Bachelor’s. As a History student, the program allowed me…

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Come help with the HHP introduction camp!

New flesh is coming to join the cult that is the HHP. To give them a warm welcome (especially after starting their study in Corona times), we would like to introduce them to honours and Eureka via an introduction camp. But we can’t organize this camp without your help! We are looking for volunteers to…

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Interview with Michiel Erkelens from Books 4 Life Utrecht

Written by: Svetozara Bozhilova Books 4 Life Utrecht is a volunteer organization that promotes human rights by collecting and selling secondhand books, CDs, LPs and DVDs in Utrecht. The organization donates 90% of their proceeds to charitable projects and depends entirely on volunteers motivated to create change. Michiel Erkelens was interviewed to give insight to…

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