Interview with Natalia Petrovskaia!
Dr. Natalia Petrovskaia has been working at Utrecht University for several years and has been HHP domain coordinator of History and Art History since 2022. Here, she is constantly developing the programme, the students and herself. Natalia is a true medievalist and is working on several projects to further immerse herself in that era. Her…
Lees meerBiodiversity Workshop – January 26th, 2024
Throwback to January, 26: The Biodiversity Workshop by the Humanities Honours ‘ The End of Evolution”? Biodiversity in the Historical Perspective of the “Anthropocene” course members.
Featuring two discussion panels by five biodiversity experts from our own Utrecht University and beyond, as well as the lecture by Matthias Glaubrecht, the workshop united Honours students, professors and researchers from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds. To get more insight on the details of the day, read up on the article about it in the Honours Community blog
Lees meerHHP Final Closing Evening Committee!
Dear all, The final plenary meeting for all thesis writers will take place on the 18th of June from 17:00-19:30 in the Lutherse Kerk! Here everyone will present their thesis in the form of a poster presentation. The poster session will consist of two rounds so that everyone will have time to walk around the location…
Lees meerHonours Community Day – Student exhibition
Dear student, The Honours Community Day on May 16th is approaching, and an integral part of this event will be the student exhibition. This exhibition is the perfect moment for you to share an honours achievement that you are proud of! Do you have something that you would like to showcase to the UU honours community? This…
Lees meer15 years of Honours: Unleashing Potential
Dear students, On the 6th and 7th of June the University of Twente will be celebrating 15 years of Honours Education. They will be organizing an international conference aimed at students and educators alike about unleashing the potential of students in honours education. The event will contribute to the honours community by connecting educational innovators,…
Lees meerHighlighted Research Seminar Projects: Atlan
Dear students, While some of you are most likely working on your projects for the HHP Research Seminar, we would like to highlight some of the projects from last year. In a series of upcoming blog posts we will share the experiences of students working on their projects. These stories will hopefully motivate and inspire…
Lees meerScreening Mini-Docu Energietransitie in Historisch Perspectief
Beste studenten van het HHP, Een aantal studenten hebben voor een vak van honours een mini documentaire gemaakt over energietransitie in historisch perspectief. Het zou heel leuk zijn als jij deze komt bekijken op 8 februari van 19:00 tot 20:00 in het filmtheater in de slachtstraat. Achteraf worden drankjes geserveerd. Het aantal plekken voor de…
Lees meerEcho: het nieuwe Ongehoord
Beste student van het HHP, Misschien was je er al van op de hoogte, maar zo niet: het tijdschrift voor honours studenten heet voortaan niet meer “Ongehoord”, maar “Echo”. Sommige buitenlandse studenten dachten dat “Ongehoord” enkel Nederlandstalige inzendingen toestond. Dat is allesbehalve het geval; we zijn er voor de gehele honoursgemeenschap. Bovendien wilden we ook af van…
Lees meerInterview met Richard Calis
Richard Calis werkt sinds 2022 aan de Universiteit Utrecht en is sinds dit collegejaar HHP domeincoördinator van Geschiedenis en Kunstgeschiedenis. Daar neemt hij het stokje over van onze huidige Honours-directeur, Frans Willem Lantink. Calis is over de hele wereld geweest en heeft ons dus veel te vertellen. In het licht van zijn nieuwe aanstelling…
Lees meerBiodiversity workshop and visit of Matthias Glaubrecht
Dear Honours students, In less than two weeks, the biodiversity workshop with a lecture by Matthias Glaubrecht will take place! We cordially invite all of you to join. The biodiversity workshop will take place from 10:15AM at Drift 21, room 032 and the day will end with a lecture by Matthias Glaubrecht on The End of…
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