Honours Community Day
Dear students and colleagues, The Honours Community Day is approaching, and it’s shaping up to be a fascinating event! This is your chance to experience the honours community like never before, so don’t forget to save the date and keep an eye out for sign-ups! What is the Honours Community Day? …
Lees meerAlaaf! *In het Italiaans*
Door Eva Luberti. Tweedejaars Honoursstudent van het Humanities Honours Programme. Toen velen van jullie het eeuwenlange volksfeest aan het vieren waren, genaamd carnaval, kon ik het niet vanuit Italië missen, dus besloot ik mij te wagen aan Carnevale di Venezia. Maar hoe is carnaval in Venetië ontstaan? Carnevale valt te ontleden als carnem levare….
Lees meerInvitation Escher-exhibition in The Hague!
Dear honours students, On the 13th of April, you are cordially invited to visit the permanent Escher exhibition in Het Paleis, The Hague, together with a group of students. Escher is a cornerstone of Dutch art; he fused mathematics, Arabic mosaics and lithography into astonishing creations. Although he wasn’t very well-known during his lifetime,…
Lees meerHonours Teacher of the Year Award
Dear students, During the Honours Community Day on May 10th, we will once again award the most inspiring honours teacher with the honours Teacher of the Year award! With this award we want to appreciate and stimulate the great work honours teachers are doing within our university. And the best part is: The candidates for the…
Lees meerNWIB Honours Summer School (informatiebijeenkomst)
Dear student, Do you love to travel? Are you a motivated and curious student? Well, then the NWIB Summer School is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. The NWIB Summer School Facilitated by UU Honours College, this summer you can conduct engaging interdisciplinary research in Athens, Rome, or Florence. Exploring questions of cultural heritage, art…
Lees meerTransfacultary symposium: ‘Nobody’s Land’ on (extraterrestrial) environmental ethics and colonialism
Limited spots available! Registration form: March 23 2023, 19:30-21:00 The doors open at 19:15 Utrecht, Janskerkhof 2-3 0.21 Throughout history, colonists have looked upon lands inhabited by native peoples and declared it their own. Now, scholars are using new lenses to uncover previously suppressed histories of environmental damage during colonial times. As we find ourselves…
Lees meerSymposium “Underexposed Perspectives on Climate Change”
Climate change is happening right here and right now. You can look at climate change through a lot of different lenses. Common ones are the economic perspective and the environment perspective, but there are also perspectives that don’t get a lot of attention. The underexposed perspectives. On the 6th of March, Tom Middendorp, Raki Ap…
Lees meerThe Graduate Inequality Review Call For Papers!
Do you have a paper lying around that you are proud of, a paper to be read by more than just you and your teacher? Now might just be the time to dust off that PDF file and send it over to The Graduate Inequality Review. The Graduate Inequality Review, a student-led journal from the…
Lees meerPlenary Meeting Tuesday 24 January 2023
Beste HHP studenten en -docenten, Het mag dan wel the season to be jolly zijn, but fast away the old year passes. So ye lads and lasses, Save this Date! De eerste plenaire bijeenkomst van het nieuwe jaar zal plaatsvinden op dinsdag 24 januari (17:00 – 19:15), Parnassos café, Kruisstraat 201. Deze bijeenkomst is verplicht voor alle honoursstudenten. Het thema van de…
Lees meerKom Naar De Balletvoorstelling ‘Dawson’!
Hallo allemaal! Nu kerst steeds dichterbij komt, wordt het tijd om samen met je klasgenoten te genieten van cultuur. Dit jaar, tussen alle notenkrakers van internationale balletgezelschappen, heeft het Nederlandse Nationale Ballet een neoklassieke voorstelling gemaakt, getiteld ‘Dawson’. Hoewel we een strijd tussen ratten en soldaten en een zoete streling van de suikertaartfee zeer waarderen,…
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